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Old August 5th, 2003
joseph Byrnes joseph Byrnes is offline
Join Date: August 5th, 2003
Posts: 1
joseph Byrnes is flying high
Default downloading, then "waiting in line. position 10"

Please explain to me why I can be downloading, then suddenly I'm "waiting in line, position x". I seem to be downloading from the same sites, so why am I getting bumped?

Also, I just upgraded to a cable connection, and I'm finding it not much faster than modem. I changed the setting for speed in the options menu, running no other programs, choosing files with multiple sources, yet I often can't seem to get more than 4 or 5 KB with any regularity. What gives? Is there some settings I'm forgetting?

I'm running a 466 Mac G4 with 800+MB ram, from home with a cable connection tested prior to this post.


Joseph Byrnes

Last edited by joseph Byrnes; August 5th, 2003 at 10:27 AM.
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