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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

As I understand it--LimeWire, unlike Napster doesn't rely on a centralized server system to connect everyone's computer together to share information. That is why the Gnutella network will be almost, if not completely impossible for the record industry to sue. Since there are no central servers, all the computers must connect directly to each other in order to share data. Now if your computer is connected to another computer that is connected to 10 others--you are indirectly connected to those 10 also. That forms the basis of the network--now a fast host could have as many as 200 or so computers connected to it (just what I've observed) and a slower modem connected computer normally connects to just 4 other hosts. Searches are passed from one computer on the network to the next, normally between 5 to 10 hosts deep. Which means that your request would be transferred from your computer to a host you're connected to and then to another and another untill it's TTL (time to live) is reached. And thus brings the results for your search.

A swapping service like Napster was fast because the servers performed the searches and indexing of the remote computers--yours and mine. Without the servers the Gnutella network is slower and a little less stable but is getting better with the increase in software development now that Napter has been beaten to a bloody pulp. Set your prefs as best you can and LW will normally adjust the rest of the settings to the preferred config. At least select the correct connection, i.e. modem, cable, T1. That way your computer will not try to take on too much (or little) responsibility and will help the network to keep running smoothly.

To keep it simple just launch LimeWire, wait a little while while you watch the bottom of your screen tell you how many hosts you're connected to and wait untill you have about 1TB of data available. Then just type in what you want to search for and let LW do the rest. And just be happy it works.

hope this helps
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