ok, my logger is done I'm curious how you guys are getting total stats from bearshare?! I haven't seen that feature, can someone point me to it?
Anyways, my own custom client logger is done. I haven't put together an instruction set how to use it, so I can't really post it publicly and expect anyone to know what the heck to do with it. I'll work on this in the next few days. In the mean time, if anyone is planning on running this, I'd suggest going to mysql.com and installing the latest version of mysql and the ODBC driver for it. If anyone here claims to have gotten that far, I'll post directions on what to do next. =)
So, after 1 day of running... my stats logged this information about people downloading porn only. (I had to unshare my mp3's for now due to threatening letters to my ISP... I'll fix that later)
I'm looking into why I'm getting so many unspecified clients... that number looks awfully high!
Unique Downloading Clients 279
Bearshare 112 - 40%
Unspecified Client 63 - 23%
Limewire 51 - 18%
Gnotella 25 - 9%
Gnucleus 15 - 5%
Mynapster 12 - 4%
GTK-Gnutella 1 - -
Next I plan on studying what type of porn is prefered by each client type... just kidding! |