Well, a quick response. I said to myself that I wasn't going to respond again , but since you were so nice about it....Im glad you always correct your spelling before you click the button. Mabi som uv uz ain't az smart az u aer whn it coms 2 spellin. Thats the oldest one on the internet for a cheap cutdown. As far as instegate somewhere else, your the one going around calling people names. And no, I don't work for any software company. But like you, I have a right to express my opinion. If you don't agree, you don't have to go around calling people names. It is childish. Last but not least, as to my original post I misread an e-mail and mistaken Kazaa for Limewire, a mistake that blackbird corrected me with without being a smartass. If you were as polite as he was mabe people wouldn't "instegate" with you |