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Old August 23rd, 2003
stief stief is offline
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p2p has sure made it easy for kids to use all the bandwidth we give 'em . . . and the ISP's are scrambling because their assumptions about how much people use must surely be getting more scrambled.

Still, the unfairness of picking on p2p bugs me. They want to preserve bandwidth for what other apps? If the internet browsers need the bandwidth, it's probably to load god-awful html pages, mostly ads. If businesses need the bandwidth, I don't like subsidizing their communications (especially if they end up against my spam filter).

yada yada yada.

The other ISP I'm evaluating (just a 128kbps dsl) is arguing the latency of the network is causing the poor connections I see there too this week (some worm directed at Microsoft?) while they screen for viruses for the next week or so. Noticed Sandvine offers something similar, so it's hard to judge if I can get a clean connection to the gnutella network here. Hope the drop in netsize isn't because of all this active interference.

Know of any reliable way to verify a clean gnutella connection other than trial and error? Sandvine is just one of the devices that can interfere.
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