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Old August 28th, 2003
scmann scmann is offline
Join Date: August 27th, 2003
Location: New York
Posts: 2
scmann is flying high
Default I Could Connect (for months) And Now I can't. What's Up?

Have been using Lime Wire for two years with no problems. Suddenly in the last two weeks, although Lime Wire comes up, it will not connect. When I try to click on the connect button nothing happens. All it says is: "Running the Gnutella Network (Disconnected/no files available)." Sometimes, when I check the connections box, there are others connected. other times, not. Once, this week It was connected when I opened and I was able to download files. Since then, no. I'm using a Mac G3 Powerbook, 9.2. with a cable modem connection. This connection has been working fine. I've downloaded the latest free software. What gives? This is baffling.
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