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Old September 1st, 2003
crazypita crazypita is offline
Join Date: September 1st, 2003
Location: Pa
Posts: 1
crazypita is flying high
Unhappy Cannot move to Library(i have read them all)

I have read all the posts and responses for this problem "could not move to library" message, but it seems that everyone got a personal e-mail answer or were using a different system than me.

Here'es where I am at:

1. I am running Mac osx 10.2.6

2. I just downloaded the newest version (free version) of limewire-someone said it might help, but it didn't.

3. some files say "complete" when they download and some say "cannot move to library", but NONE of them will play.

4. I am using a comcast cable modem

5. I have only had this problem in the last 3 days.. before that I never had a problem, and I hadn't made any changes to my program or folders in the last 3 days- it just started all of the sudden

5. someone mentioned checking if my saving directory was "write protected " or something, but A. i don't know how to do that on my MAC, and B. I checked everthing possible and can't find a problem anywhere so far.

I did read all the forums I could and FAQ's to find an answer, but I couldn't, so If this is a repeat that was already answred, I apologize in advance.

I hope someone can help or at least direct me to another answer in the forums that could help.

Thanx for your time
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