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Old July 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Stopped crashing?

I've been using Gnucleus without crashing for three days. I was determined to try a few things because I really wanted to DL something and it really is the only program that seems to work.

Anyway, I deleted the host cache and all the partial DL's bar one which was a big one. Now I got to thinking that it seemed to crash whenever I would try and resume that particular DL.

Anyway, I left it and DL about 15-20 files over three days without a hitch, then I thought, ok lets test this theory. So I tried to resume that one DL and it crashed within 5 minutes.

So my guess is one of the hosts saved with that partial DL is sending corrupt handshaking info or something similar?

Anyway hope you get this one sorted. And I hope to see an auto re-search feature in the next release!

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