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Old September 2nd, 2003
JYewMD JYewMD is offline
Join Date: September 2nd, 2003
Posts: 1
JYewMD is flying high
Question Can't Connect! Scrolling Hosts

Here's what I see:
Enabling Open Information Sharing:
(Disconnected / no files available)

I click on the "Connection" tab and I see a scrolling/changing list of Hosts... they all list as "Connecting..." under Status.

What's going on here? I had this working when I first installed it!?!? I'm running it on a Powerbook G4. I installed it from a cable modem, but now I'm connected directly at work via ethernet cable (T1? or better?) My internet and download speeds are very fast now, but I can't connect with Limewire? Is this a network security issue with my work?

Will this only work from my home?

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