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Old September 8th, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Sure looked good--quick and snappy switching windows, until I tried the dock. I'm stuck with the spinning beachball after looking at the "About" credits, closing that, and then choosing to copy the sample bug message in prefs.
The java update reinstalled the fonts LucidaSans-TypewriterBold--these had been related to a GUI freeze so I'd removed them--but now it's back. I'll have to force-quit LimeWire PRO 3.5.5 beta.

Anyone want the Console entries, or is there anything else I can log before I try force-quit? I can't hide LW or cancel the sample bug message window,but I can drag the windows out of the way and send this message.

Jens-Uwe--you're right again: java -version is the same. Glad the dp doesn't need reformatting for removal.