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Old September 10th, 2003
GregorK GregorK is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
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Default Re: PRB:can't download

1) Does it need an incomming connection to make a download?! (I'm seeing atempts to connect my machine on port 19202 [the default listening port], even after I checked "Host is behind a firewall" - which is blocked by the firewall).
You dont need incomming connections to make a download. The Host is behind firewall switch only recommends other clients to not connect to you, let Phex only return search results to clients not behind a firewall and indicate to use a Push transfer to download.
But some clients either dont listen or still try....


2) What is the meaning of checkbox "Connected to Local Area Network"?
If you check "Connected to Local Area Network" Phex will try to also connect to hosts with a local IP address. This can be usefull in university networks. If you dont check this box Phex will always ignore local IPs.
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