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Old September 12th, 2003
gregneg gregneg is offline
Join Date: April 28th, 2002
Posts: 18
gregneg is flying high
Unhappy 357 broken

Mac OSX LimewirePro 357 won't shutdown --- it minimizes to the dock. A little box pops up when I pass my curser over the docked icon that says something like it's setting up 1,000's of files to share (with the number increasing as I watch). Frankly, that scares the hell outa me -- are those MY files it's setting up without my OK?

I've dumped it and gone back to 356 until I get some kind of comfortable explanation ---

Oh yea --- current on the system updates --- permissions repaired --- uninstalled auto and manual search -- reinstalled --- checked prefs, etc.

OS10.2.6 G4 450 AGP 768MRAM networked to DSL

Last edited by gregneg; September 12th, 2003 at 09:40 PM.
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