Here's what the little old "Apple Error Codes '98" says
Error Codes 1-30
ID=01 Bus Error
This means the computer tried to access memory that doesn't exist. You can get this error on almost any Macintosh. If one of these computers tried to access one or more bytes beyond the total number of bytes in RAM, you see a bus error. You should never see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, because address references that are out of bounds "roll over". This means if one of these computers tries to access one byte beyond the total bytes in RAM, it actually accesses the first byte in memory. If you see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, it's reporting the wrong error or having hardware problems.
Sounds like a problem with a RAM chip or, hopefully, virtual memory. Maybe your memory control panel can give you more ideas. Too, try installing from the same volume/partition as the system