Tip Of The Day We are in the process of adding a "Tip Of The Day" window that will appear when LimeWire is started. I know there is a lot of knowledge floating around in people's heads about LimeWire. If you could use this thread to post byte-sized tips, we'll review them all and incorporate some into the tips that are displayed. (Post them all in English -- we'll worry about internationalizing them later.)
Tips like:
"Curious why the search button doesn't work? LimeWire might not be connected to the Gnutella network! Try clicking 'File -> Connect' and waiting till the light in the bottom left becomes green before searching."
"You can turn tooltips off or on in most tables by right-clicking on the column headers and choosing 'More Options'. You can toggle other options here too, like whether or not to sort tables automatically and if you want the rows to be striped."
"When you see the download in 'Needs More Sources', try clicking on that download and then clicking 'Find More Sources' -- LimeWire will search the network for more places to download the file."
"Tired of downloads stopping halfway through? It helps to pick search results that have a higher number in the '#' column. The # is the amount of unique places on the network that are hosting the file. The more sources, the better the chance of getting a download!"
Last edited by sberlin; September 16th, 2003 at 07:02 PM.