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Old September 16th, 2003
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Default Re: Re: Would You Support Non-Infringing use of P2P?

Originally posted by roliepolieolie
I don't know. Maybe. What do you have that is non-infringing that I might be interested in?

P2P may be a great way to distribute some non-infringing content like the latest Linux kernal or public domain literature to China, but it seems to me that in general non-infringing content like the latest Linux kernal or public domain literature draws a smaller audience than full blown copyright violations like Britney Spears mp3's or Brad Pitt jpg's.

Doesn't the issue become, "Is there enough interest in non-infringing content (or is there enough non-infringing content for that matter) to drive development of a non-infringing file sharing tool?"

My guess is the answer is there is not enough interest (i.e. traffic upon which you can sell advertising ) to make a viable, profitable, commercial venture. Which has implications for devlopment, obviously.
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