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Old September 18th, 2003
raf111 raf111 is offline
Join Date: September 17th, 2003
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raf111 is flying high
Default Re: Re: Re: The Legal Aspect Of File-Sharing

Originally posted by LeeWare
The thing critical fact that is overlooked in your calculation or model of things is this.

#1 - There is a whole generation of people that exist now in the Internet age. Consider for example the fact the I have been involved with technology for about 17 years. A lot has changed in that time.
...yes... and also there is whole bunch of those, that still has problems operating video player...

What I'm trying to say is, I didn't overlook those factors. I'm well aware of them, but because I connot determine the actual figures to represent any of those groups ...old,young, uploaders,downloaders, I have assigned them all to the variables "y" and "z". Everything else depends on the actual values for "y" and "z"

ad.2. I don't know when but you're propably right about the birth of "internet commercialism".

The thing is, that so much time time has past, and internet is still not something that you can strictly define as something for business, or some window to see other cultures and not some kind of means for the thievery to go on.
Internet... well it's just everything...

"#2a big business brought increased attention from cyber-thieves
You say cyb.thieves, I say people with need to discover and check out something new (yes the desire to get something for free is a big factor too).
You call it stealing, I call it taking back what's ours and was just taken away from us...

And if any artist will say... "You don't wanna pay, I won't sing"
I would say ..."finally"
Because the true artist will sing no matter what, and those are the ones we like to listen to and enjoy watching.
And I'm positive,that if someone is good, public will just not let him die....

<got tired for now>

Last edited by raf111; September 18th, 2003 at 08:23 AM.
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