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Old July 27th, 2001
Brotaris Brotaris is offline
Yeah, me again
Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 35
Brotaris is flying high
Default Ignorance is so lame

Originally posted by Unregistered
...Oh, you won't see this posted on that other forum, censorship is the word of choice over there, nor will you see any other truths about that silly program and all it's privacy invasions and lack of concern for privacy.
You haven't the foggiest notion of what you're talking about. That "other forum" does not censor anything but extreme foul language and racist remarks, and even then it's only the offending word(s) that are edited - not entire posts or threads. Go ahead, post your opinions over there. You'll never see them deleted. Guaranteed!

That censorship crap was a stupid rumor started by a disgruntled forumite who had a post or two deleted, and rightly so. But don't assume that censorship is a common event there. In fact, it is extremely rare these days - I'd even go as far as to say it's non-existent.

Try it out. Prove me wrong.
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