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Old September 22nd, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Internet Explorer has troubles with .dmg files--sometimes the cache has to be cleared too before a clean installer can be downloaded fresh. Has anyone tried by using Safari, or downloading Jens-Uwe Mager's pro-like version of LW 3.5.8 (
I wonder too if anyone has seen anything odd in the Console (Applications->Utilities) logs when the problem occurs. If so, you can let the LW developers know by mailing the relevant entries to, or post them here and hope a coder can interpret them.

I'm on 10.2.6, so sorry if I can't help more. OS 10.1.5 got the new java update too, right? If this would help, I dropped the OSX basic installer for the pre-java update version (3.4.6) onto the public folder of my iDisk. You're welcome to grab it as a back-up. Choose Connect To Server from the Finder's Go menu and type (doesn't work as a link--you have to paste or type it into the Connect window)

Cheers. Glad you got it working gizmatron.

[edit: here's the link to the other thread on this problem

previous versions of LW are available at
(each version is a collection of all the installers for that version--it's a 60 mb download)]

Last edited by stief; September 22nd, 2003 at 10:48 PM.
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