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Old July 28th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 24th, 2001
Posts: 144
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Default Gnotella 1.0

On the whole it's a lot better. Still has a few problems for me at least...

1) After running awhile it *still* slows to a standstill. Doesn't happen right away - perhaps some sort of resource not being released?

2) Show me Hostnames! The cutesy BearShare rip-off icons are fine but useless. I want to see who's *really* connected to me.

3) Searching for new hosts is nice but a bit awkward. I don't like how it changes the search setting for other search slots too (I have to keep setting them back). Also it doesn't limit the matches very well (needs an exact size match) or remember the original search term (even though you think they should, some client won't find the same file given the full name).