Suggestion for statistics graph pages Many of the graph pages for statistics have multiple graph lines which overlap, and in many cases are hard to read because of the shape of the data displayed.
I'd like to suggest that the legend area which has a colored square indicating the color of the data line be made an active button. Once selected, this button will cause only the data referred to by that color appear on the graph area. An additional button of a black or dark gray color (or another appropriate color, depending on the skin) be used to return the graph to the default multi-line state, with all colors being displayed.
This would allow the user to clearly see the data for a specific line in the graph, yet also allow the default aggregate graph to be used.
The only reason I suggest the color key boxes to be used as the buttons, is because it's intuitive to associate pressing the color with seeing only the data represented by that color.
If it is inappropriate to post these recommendations here, would the admin please forward this information to the development team?
Rockkeys |