I did exactly as you suggested. All my caches had stuff in them and the advanced tab in Gnucleus was saying my cache was full.
So I deleted the webcache and put in the code you listed and saved the file.
I ran Gnuclueus and it still kept trying to connect, but never did.
So I exited the program and checked the webcache again, but there was nothing in it. I repeated the process to make sure I had done it correctlyt, but got the same result.
So then I deleted all the text in the other caches you listed and saved the files with only the webcache containing the one line of code from you.
I then ran the program, and it just hung up on 6 green blocks under the 'connecting' message and hasn't progressed any farther. There is a message now saying cache is empty. I checked all the caches again and all were empty.
What can I do? I really miss Gnucleus???