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Old October 8th, 2003
Unhappy Camper
Posts: n/a
Question Connection loss due to SchooL?

Okay.. after being on my upteenth page of posts reading the problems other people have incountered I'm left with nothing but more questions.
I have a MacOSX 10.2.6 made sure my firewire port is allowing 6346.
I have downloaded the newst version, didn't work, deleted it, downloaded an older version, deleted it. Downloaded the Pro version ( yes I paid and yes i'm regretting it ) and it gave me a link to a normal LW installer, that didn't work.
I have gone to my system preferences and allowed for more sharing capabilities. But like everyone else posting about connections, i have the red light green light game. I've waited for over 2 hours for a connection to be established. I am at my wits end.
I do, unfortunatly have an ethernet connection through my University. However, Kazaa, Morpheus, and other PC P2P's are still being used. Three of which are in the same room as my ethernet connection. Could it be that the University is singling out Gnutella and not going for the bigger sharewares? Please, I need real answers, not the " Go to File and Click Connect."
I am way past frusterated.
I appreciate anyone who could help me..
Thank you.
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