Thread: Phex Support
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Old October 20th, 2003
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Post Just a couple issues

..I have two issues with Phex in its current implementation.

- Lack of support for UNC paths one of the most useful features of limewire is the fact that it allows me to point to a UNC path to share files.

This is convenient for me because the files I host are stored on various different servers and I hate to map drives just to access the content stored on other servers.

- No apparent ability to limit the number of incoming connections when running as an ultrapeer.

Perhaps these features exist and I'm just not aware of them. Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

I'm prepared to up the number of servers from 2 to 6 depending on the results of your investigation.

Thanks in advance for your support.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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