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Old October 26th, 2003
Bear Bear is offline
Join Date: October 23rd, 2003
Posts: 1
Bear is flying high
Unhappy 3.6.6 on 9.2.2 CRASHES, StdLog enclosed

I've used Limewire versions successfully for a long time on both 8.6 and 9.2.2, but now on 9.2.2 --- Limewire 3.66

Started up ok. I typed in a search, but the search button remained ghosted. All i could guess was that this was maybe because i had no files in my shared folder. So i put a folder of files into it. Search still ghosted. I noticed that lw reported 'disconnected' in its title bar. I found the 'connect' menu item. It crashed on "connect", macsbug didn't come up, force-warm-restart.
Then, starting up limewire again, dropped into macsbug, was able to STDLOG, then escape, finder message limewire type 2.

Here's the first part of the StdLog (the whole thing is attached):

PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 00B3D9AC

23-Oct-2003 8:25:55 AM (since boot = 14 minutes)
Current application is “LimeWire”
Machine = #69 (PowerMac8500), System $0922, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $28F2, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is off
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = +436295734
Address 00B3D9AC is in the System heap at 00002800
It is in the CFM fragment “RootLibrary” at 00B3A460
It is 0000354C bytes from the start of the fragment
and 00002D1C bytes into a non-writeable code section at 00B3AC90
Attached Files
File Type: txt limewire3.66stdlog.txt (18.1 KB, 148 views)
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