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Old November 6th, 2003
sberlin sberlin is offline
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
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sberlin is flying high

It didn't work? That's wierd. It looks like you might not even have the correct commands installed in the correct place. Frankly, I'm not positive how serious that is, but I imagine other things would fail too. How was OSX installed on your computer, by an upgrade or as a fresh installation? You might want to consider fixing your disk permissions using Disk Utility (under Applications, Utilities, Disk Utility).

If possible, could you open a terminal by going to Applications -> Utilities, and opening 'Terminal'? Then type the following commands at the terminal's prompt:

echo $PATH
cd /usr
ls -1 bin | wc -l

If you could email the results to me ( ) that'd be very useful.

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