Need example of using phex. Hi, I need to make a client for gnutella that logs certains messages. This is to analyze the TTL of hosts on the network for a school project.
I was looking to phex source and would like to use it as a starting point to it, but I can't find any documentation on how to make a connection, set listeners to messages, etc.
Anyone has simple documentation on how to make this, like:
1-start a conenction;
2-listen to pings and pongs;
3-listen to search querys;
Any help would be very aprreciated,
PS: I forgotted to mention that I was trying to use JTella but I can't connect to any host, the log shows a lot of exceptions in JTella, thats way I wanted to look at phex.
Last edited by reise; November 20th, 2003 at 10:54 AM.