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Old November 23rd, 2003
Jottagirl Jottagirl is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2003
Posts: 22
Jottagirl is flying high
Default Update...

Sorry I haven't posted this update sooner. Thanks to ALL who have offered solutions. Here's where I'm at:
1) Re-installed Carbonlib with no results
2) Tried running Conflict Catcher, but got SO bogged down & confused by it, I gave up. (Now I remember why I never use it) Any suggestions on how to narrow down the testing would be appreciated.
3) Love those suggestions about a new computer, and donations will be happily accepted. Until then...not. <g>
4) Just a reminder...I haven't even been able to INSTALL Limewire, much less getting to the point of increasing memory, etc. And yes, I have tried increasing memory of the installer.

So...right back at ya, boys....still waiting for a miracle.
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