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Old December 6th, 2003
ginia ginia is offline
Join Date: November 27th, 2003
Location: Western District of Victoria Australia
Posts: 2
ginia is flying high

Callahan may be the voice in the darkness but I seem to be the voice crying in the wilderness. The reply I got from the forum was no reply at all . I know that they are java files but I want to know their purpose . Why so much in the folder? What is the point. WHAT ARE THEY FOR and what do they say since I am unable to open them. Why put them in there with the application if they have no purpose? And why must an application be uninstalled instead of just dumped in the rubbish bin . I'm sorry to question like this but I have a great many questions and I'm either missing something because I'm running imac or nobody else knows either. Once again I ask you what ARE those java files called jars all about and how do I read them and if I'm not supposed to read them why are they there? and where can I find real, full, HELP files for the thousands of other questions I have . Why are there no menus. What does that one and only question about contextual menus mean [what contextul menus anyway] , and why is no-one else asking all these questions. Someone out there must know all this stuff. If so where did they get their information because I would like to have access to it too. An WHY does it take so bloody long to verify files in the paid- for Pro version, while they just fly through in the free basic Limewire. In fact having paid for Pro I have not noticed any benefits at all!!!! What did I actually get when I paid [with great difficulty, I might add being international!!!] the downloads are no faster and Ive still got no access to information. HELLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!
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