Are you talking about supporting an other network like ED2K? If yes, this is a bad idea. First Gregor seems to be the only developper and there plenty of stuff to do on the gnet to keep him busy for years. Second multi network clients tend to become bad for all the networks it connects too (take all the bandwith it can in download, give only a part of the upload since it has to separate it accross networks) and it leads to many problems for the users of those programs: high memory and cpu usage, more crashes.... in short it sucks. If all clients would implement gnet correctly (ie: not like GnuDNA mainly for morpheus and gnucleus) Gnet would be much better and you wouldn't even ask for other network connections. As of now, Overnet is the fastest for big files (it connects to only one network) and Limewire or Phex are the best for speedy under 100 megs needs (they also connect to only one network).
Bad more networks, VERY bad (imagine a world where every1 uses a multi-net client, speed would be awful since bandwith would sink in all the connections (sources, queues, network) to the clients. Too much overhead.
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