Well it looks that you've included limeshop on mac osx basic.... beside the fact that mac people won't like it (who would

), it should'nt be THAT difficult to uninstall. I mean I trashed the lime prefpane, then I had to forcequit the process java process to empty the trash (Lw was quit previously). Now everytime I start LW the sh process is getting all the CPU it can, I have to force quit it. Shouldn't LW stop trying opening Limeshop when it isn't there anymore? That should be easy to uninstall so people technically orientated (those who complain on mac forums like macnn.com) won't bitch much about spyware introduced on mac (a first!) by LW. Expect much bitching on that when that news gets well spread (and the limeshop shouldn't take so much cpu cycles doing nothing BTW).
(Edit: I launched LW another time and this time the process sh wasn't lauched: good!)
On an other matter, I tried a couple of magnet links and right after I killed them. Now every time I open LW, these files go in the download window, which is pretty annoying.
Also I tried French caracters searching on a lan (two LW connected by Rendez-vous) and it works very well. A definite + for me.
All for now