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Old December 20th, 2003
topbanana topbanana is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: October 18th, 2002
Location: UK
Posts: 90
topbanana is flying high
Default 1 TeraByte uploaded

Just a quick positive note about P2P technology, Gnutella and in particular LimeWire.

By my reckoning, the LimeWire installation running on the background on my PC has now uploaded a terabyte (1024 gigabtes) to the Gnet. That's the equivalent of 2000 movies, or a staggering 350,000 tracks of music - enough to last two years non-stop. And what's more, every single byte has to the best of my knowledge been legitimate, uncopyrighted material. On the whole I've not noticed the software running, and it's only been consuming bandwidth I myself can't make use of.

At the same time, I've been able to find a few useful and interesting P2P resources myself which have saved me time, money and effort. So, a tip of the hat to the LimeWire and Gnutella developers, and the larger P2P community as a whole - the system works! Kudos all round, and the best of the season to you and yours.
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