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Old January 18th, 2004
stief stief is offline
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Thanks for the comments/info. I had thought I'd seen BeanShell in the Pro version too, so reinstalled the Pro (it still overwrites the running LW), but no NetBean Shell in View->Show/Hide.

@trap_jaw: I've decided to continue my little support to the LW project, but I'll recommend the jum builds to OSX users irritated by LimeShop. Do you know of a similar link for users of other platforms? Seems to me that the some of the open source spirit can be preserved that way and support for the developers (rather than the business office) can limp along with the voluntary model then.

The introduction of a LimeShop that is not as easily uninstalled is a bad move. Mac users have so little education with that stuff so it's a real FUD magnet. I am not looking forward to defending LW to my colleagues who were afraid of spystuff/virii/other Windows fears. Nor am I looking forward to testing how to uninstall LimeShop when they ask. Most of them will avoid p2p entirely if it means having to carefully read EULA's.

but back to the connection quality--looks like a good move towards setting up a plan to test gnutella connectivity. I hope the next step will be more detailed messages and links/inclusion of something like the checkNAT I linked to earlier: that will at least give users some more info on why they can't connect.

I recall a link detailing the Pro/Basic differences, but can't find it.


Last edited by stief; January 18th, 2004 at 02:03 PM.