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Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by THE Old Man
I have DSL with and more often than not my d/l speeds are still in the 3 - 5 kb/s range. Sometimes I will get a fast one ... what *I* consider fast - 20 - 30 kb/s but it is an ocassion for great end zone celebration.
I would say speeds in the 3-5 kb/s range are pretty normal. It mostly depends upon the bandwith available you are downloading from. I use an ADSL connection for example, and altough I can download very quickly I have only about 128 kbit/s upload bandwidth. If two users download from me you pretty much reach about 6 kb/s as I limit my upload bandwith to 12 kb/s and max 2 uploads. Probably the speed indication in the search results does not indicate reality any more since the advent of asymmetric DSL connections.