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Old January 19th, 2004
CavalerieSoldaat CavalerieSoldaat is offline
Join Date: January 19th, 2004
Location: Ft. Hood, Texas
Posts: 3
CavalerieSoldaat is flying high
Angry Can't figure this out...

Okay, I've gone through the forums...I downloaded 3.7.7 as was recommended (I'm using OSX 10.2.8 with the internal modem through AOL), I checked my Firewall settings...
The problem: Once in a while, it will let me search, the rest of the time it will tell me that it can't find an internet connection. However, if I've done past searches, I can refresh them and continue to successfully obviously I'm connected. I can even browse the files of the person I'm downloading from and download new.
After installing 3.7.7, my light stays green, and it says I'm connected, but it won't allow me to search...saying the afformentioned message.
Please, Help!!!