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Old January 23rd, 2004
trap_jaw4 trap_jaw4 is offline
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen
Java IS slow compared to other languages, not only on Macs.
That has been discussed N+1 times already. The Java 1.4.2 server VM is actually almost as fast as C++, in most fields like integer, floating-point & IO performance. It is supposed to be faster than C++ when creating objects.

Ask google for some benchmark results.

Java is slower because its needs time to translate the code with the VM.
Java's VM is not an interpreter. The code is really compiled and repeated tasks don't require repeated compiling.

The speed difference of the Swing GUI compared to a GUI using standard Windows widgets is noticeable, of course. Java GUIs always seem to be a little slower reacting to mouse-clicks.
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