Limewire for Power Users There needs to be an "Advanced" mode in limewire that allows for more user control over the program and the interface.
1. User can disable "Community Tab" if he wants.
2. User can enter his own value for Connection Speed... not just the presets.
3. User can decide how many connections to have without Lime telling him it's too many for his connection speed.
4. User can decide maximum upload bandwidth as a descrete value and not as a slider percentage of one of the preset speeds.
These don't have to available by default... put a checkbox somewhere with a warning saying "Advanced users only! Checking this box may significantly reduce your performance!" And checking this either switches to "Advanced mode" or it lets the user pick and chose the features he wants, etc.
Also, why is it that when I click on someone who's downloading from me at 0.0KBps to disconnect him... I have to RACE to the kill button before he is unhighlighted automatically after a half a second?! This is just bizarre.
And why can't I filter modem users and firewalled users out of my search results? What if I want to share my files with all comers, but I don't want to download from some Grandma at 300bps!?
Stuff to think about.
Great prog, though Greg, et al. |