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Old February 1st, 2004
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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Default Feature Req: Show downloading candidates/candidates: 8/25

it would be nice, if you'd show the number of downloading candidates and the total number of candidates in the download-pane, maybe like this:

Maybe instead the number of downloading and the numbr of remaining non-ignored and maybe the total number in brackets:
5/8 (25)

Or downloading/queued (total)


Maybe you could simply use the Icons of Acquisition (which you can find inside the Acquisition-Application Package).

PS: I'd love to be able to ban Morpheus (Everytime I only have Morpheus connections, I get no search results at all). Maybe in the Security-settings, like ban IP, but ban vendor-string (only complete vendor-strings with version, so you don't ban newer versions, which resolved the bug).

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Last edited by arne_bab; February 1st, 2004 at 04:02 AM.
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