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Old February 8th, 2004
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4
That is an illusion. Queueing has no influence on the upstream of a host.
Who said this? What I mean is you have to wait longer to get a free slot - this is my experience with Gnutella.

The crowd goes where the crowd goes.
Where was this crowd at the beginning (in German: "Was war zuerst da das Ei oder die Henne?"? They started like other networks and the networks who are able to attract the most users win... Kazaa is very popular but only good for MP3s, also WinMX.

Your ridiculous claim is totally unbased.
No, its truth. Gnutella needs longer for new features this isnīt a claim this is truth. Fasttrack and other networks had multiple source downloads and queuing etc. while the developers of the GDF didnīt know how to write it. I read some discussions in the GDF where one developer suggest a thing and an other says its bullshit - some of the mayor features are a result of the pressure of the users who wanted them - see multiple source ddwnloads. I really donīt expect to agree with you in this point (as in the most ones)!

while Gnutella is one of the few networks that can survive completely without servers.
Since when? You need to log on a server first to get the IPs of your hosts...

With my 128/768 DSL connection I can upload ~10KB/s of real content before my downstream is affected on eDonkey because I don't have enough outgoing bandwidth left to create an insane amount of 5-7 connections per second and keep those hundreds of unused connections open just to stay in some queues. Gnutella doesn't have that kind of overhead.
Funny I have also DSL. I have usually several hundreds of active connections, I upload with 12Kb and have enough uploadspeed left to surf without problems! My average downstream is usually higher than with all Gnutella clients I tested. Do you have a technical proof for this claim?

And I have used eMule regularly, so I know how it is to have a file with one or two sources hanging in your download queue for weeks.
I had the same problems with Gnutella, and not only with ONE host also with several ones - the best way to go here is to try an other file or change the network. No network is perfect but Gnutella has much to improve.

btw an example with very seldom files, which are not downloaded and shared by many people is stupid. You have to see the "normal" situation, not a special one. Which network can satisfy a user to 100%? I think this is a dream...

Btw, we have had partial-filesharing on Gnutella for a while. The only major vendor who is still working on partial filesharing is BearShare.
A point for Vinnie, I bet his users wanted it. And this is again an example of this Gnutella developemet, good features arenīt used because some developers think they arenīt needed - so it will take an other or two years before they wake up...

If you can find a large file on Gnutella at all, you will usually be able to download it,
If and only if you will find a good movie on Gnutella its very hard to get a slot. But the advantage when you are one of the lucky people you have usually much faster downloads from ONE single host, but this doensīt matter because you will find with the donkey several hundreds of sources to donwload from - and I really canīt complain about my donwload speed. Its also a good idea to use donkey links, you can be sure this files are no fakes and are wide spread - more sources = faster donwloads!

There is no easy way of disadvantaging freeloaders,
No one said its easy but it should be done! Ignorance isnīt the way to go...


Last edited by Morgwen; February 8th, 2004 at 06:15 PM.
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