Originally posted by verdyp Is that the codepatch which was submitted yesterday evening? I note that you use the Tiger.java function from org.gnu.crypto. It differs a little from my implementation that I wrote more than one year ago when the GNU crypto API was still not ported to Java.
I just looked at it (shamely it was submitted in RAR format which is licenced, why not ZIP/JAR ?), and looked at the generated code and its performance. My implementation is still faster than the org.gnu.crypto version. |
Well, the org.gnu.crypto implementation was working alright, simple to use and it was tested. That's all I was really interested in.
I was using rar, by the way, because I really don't care whether or not it's an open format or not as long as it's free accessible for everyone.
Did you try to replace the blockprocessing functions of GNU's Tiger MessageDigestSPI with my code? (you could keep the interface API, or I may integrate my code in the GNU Crypto framework). |
Honestly, I don't mind using your code instead but my focus was getting it to the point where it's about working, not some minor optimizations to a hash function.
May be I should propose my version (which was posted in the GDF files) to GNU Crypto API maintainers, to exhibit them the performance differences (I had worked a lot on my implementation to maximize the optimization of the generated bytecode compiled with javac). |
Really, I will use your code before your work goes to waste and I trust you that your implementation is faster but I'm more concerned with testing other parts of my THEX code right now, so I probably won't be able to take a look at this at the moment.