Originally posted by rubaiyat There is nothing religious about this. |
Bless you.
I have no particular interest in the means to which the end is derived. |
That's a blessing for us !
Score at the end of the first quarter is 1 - 1 Quote:
I have always had trouble understanding the partisan tribal fealty that everyone must swear to their s'ware/h'ware choices. An instance of "my software right or wrong" ?-) Any deficiencies are fiecely denied until enough time has passed to safely acknowledge "past problems". |
Oh, Oh !
Sort of agree with you on that one.
I struggled with many different versions of LW for a very long time on several different machines with different connections and different ISPs. |
We all have our crosses to bear !
(Ooops ! More religious stuff ?)
If there are concrete achievable adjustments capable of being implemented by myself or any of the others not getting good results from LW, I am very pleased to hear them. |
Wouldn't we ALL be pleased to hear such things !!!
There ARE correct and incorrect settings - Adjustments - Some are truly
'black or white', meaning right or wrong - Some are in
'grey areas', dependent on 'equipment'.
The problem with most of the p2p clients is that the necessary accompanying documentation is either inadequate, out of date or non-existent.
Developers develop ! Amazing that, hmmm ? They normally make totally lousy user's-manual writers. They are also normally occupied with 'improvements'.
Not bad, huh ? I twice managed to use a word derived from 'normal' while discussing developers !
Moderators here see ALL the posts hoping for help and/or advice. We move many posts to more suitable forums... We sometimes post 'links' to other posts... Sometimes, if we have enough knowledge or experience on the particular problem topic, we reply with
concrete achievable adjustments.
But, that's not really a Moderator's job. Members helping members is the idea here. These forums are a community of people interested and participating in p2p using the
Gnutella Network...
That's a hint to you, btw.... It is a community where there are many very nice and helpful people helping and guiding others. (Some may be a little outrageous in venting their frustrations after answering the same question for the 1,000th time, but that usually doesn't last long.)
What members here do NOT normally do is join and then, in 8 out of 9 of their first posts, go into one client-specific forum and not only slag off that client but urge others to quit the client and move on to the Elysian fields, free for the asking, in another client.
(Can you imagine how many times a moderator is tempted to make such 'suggestions' when dealing with posts about a client with which some are having troubles ? But, we do not. Nor do the vast majority of members here in Gnutella Forums.)
What you have been doing is a somewhat subtle form of
I am simply passing on advice that was passed onto me and worked. |
Really ?
See last line above. Quote:
In the end that is what counts. |
Oh sure, you bet !
But, there are ways and then there are ways, huh ?
Some of your comments in your other posts here suggest that you are not quite as switched on to this here p2p thingie as you may believe. Have fun here... Share, learn, amuse, outrage... Whatever !
But, cool it with the SPAMMING.
Ya'all have a nice day now, hear ?!?!
p.s. May be a good idea for you to have a wee look at a dictionary... the sum of the words
concrete achievable adjustments do not normally equal
change your p2p client.