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Old February 21st, 2004
JusPassin JusPassin is offline
Join Date: February 21st, 2004
Posts: 2
JusPassin is flying high
Default Is there anyway to cleanly uninstall Limeshop/TopMoxie?

I installed Limewire a few days ago, but I decided to get rid of it. I was able to uninstall it fine, however, TopMoxie and Limeshop are still in my computer. I've checked the official websites for both and it says on each of them to use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall them, but the don't show up there at all. I know they're still in there as I've seen the folders and saw some items from them in the registry. I'm not too familiar with it though so I don't want to go removing things myself. Anyone know of any fix for this?

and other than those two programs did Limeware install anything else? (other than limeware itself of course)

any help would be greatly appreciated
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