Only as a point of interest...
As a sharer I experience this problem probably 5-6 times per day, mainly with Shareaza users and, to a much lesser extent, LimeWire users. Probably 50 times with Shareaza for every 1 instance with LimeWire.
This was a routine problem with Gnucleus some time ago.
Be nice to get the 'completion' problems resolved as they occupy U/L slots for nuthin' !!!
Little hope re: Shareaza... Assume soon with LimeWire !
btw - Honest, with a daily Upload average of 850-1,100 files, I have never observed this with a Gtk-Gnutella, Phex or BearShare user.
Forgot to say... In BearShare, in the Uploads Window, I simply right click on the Uploads Page field and select Clear All...
BUT, I cannot say for certain what happens to the person D/Ling from me... Except to say that they don't come back for more. (?)
Last edited by ursula; February 23rd, 2004 at 06:00 PM.