Poisoned also scans Gnutella so that doesn't make this a suitable forum?
Absurd to suggest that a program as solid as LimeWire cannot stand critiscm or competition.
I could be totally and specifically LimeWire in a thread listing all posters who report exactly what I report. It seems to me there is a specific peformance problem with mac users that your "anti-spam" rules would have swept under the carpet, well hidden from those too innocent to recognise them.
Are you actually a user of LW on Mac in OS9 or OSX? If you are, then you might be able to be specific in your recommendations for rectifying LW's poor performance. If not, then you may be extremely misguided in your statements on the subject.
btw Whilst I do not claim absolute expertise, I have been employing exactly the techniques (in my ignorance) that you subsequently recommended in another thread. |