Originally posted by ursula Not really, Morgwen.
But, the 'real world reality' supports your comments even more .
On planet Earth a so-called '256kbs' connection is going to result in a max of 27.6 - 27.3 kBs ...
And, that is with a 'tailwind' !!!
The biggest 'pump' in the world is NOT going to increase the 'flow' through a small pipe. |
Ursula you are speaking at a tangent again. LimeWire on its own, with no competing network client on my machine, only gets 2-5k max mostly less. And that in very occassional fits and starts, never sticking on a file to complete the DL in one go.
Poisoned completes its DLs in one go about 80% of the time, often peaking at max transfer speeds of 27-28k. The rest it picks up and finishes after one or 2 tries. I can only dream of LW managing a fraction of this.