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Old February 27th, 2004
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ursula ursula is offline
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Location: koyaanisqatsi
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Obviously your connection works or you wouldn't be here !

Please tell more about your setup...
What Operating System you are using and what version of LimeWire you were using before - and if you changed that version in the process of trying to re-install.
Also, don't forget to mention any other software (whatever the type may be) that you may have installed either before the original problem with LimeWire, or after...

It sounds as if it may be a problem with files and/or registry settings not being cleared properly, but this only relates to your problems of re-installing... Not whatever may have caused the original failure to run problem.

The more info from you the better, OK ?

Last edited by ursula; February 27th, 2004 at 06:23 AM.
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