I should be more careful in my use of English when I know you are not principally English speakers, no matter how well you speak it. s:-)
By "got" I meant I understood. You are asking me to run only the gnuttela plugin in Poisoned so that we can compare gnutella in LW with gnutella in P?
I understand why you might ask that but from the point of the user who wants better performance this is not a good comparison. P derives much of its performance from being a superclient.
That LimeWire is not, is just too bad for LimeWire.
You keep repeating I should learn to configure my firewall. I have it turned off, is that not enough? And port forwarding I thought was just to get through the firewall.
I'm hesitent to give out my settings to just anyone reading this forum, but I went through them with stief. We also tested direct transfers between us using LW in both directions, they went fast enough. It is real world DLs in LW that are slow and mostly broken. |