Have you seen how many have posted almost exactly the same message?
Personally, I have almost given up trying to help that question, but since you're on 10.2.8 like me, here goes (again)
Pro is entitled to free support
here There are some LW devs and managers who read and post here (mostly on their own time), but this is a gnutella user board and not the LW help desk.
Most of the known answers have already been given
What's the problem? Connections are being blocked for too many people, but where's the block? Developers and all kinds of experts can't tell, because LW and many other gnutella clients work just fine. See the current numbers
So, if you are lucky, the problems is in your setup and can be fixed. (Opening the firewall and router, or however you can control access to the internet). See the LW Help Menu->Tip of the Day for how to open the 10.2.8 firewall; message me if you use a router.
If the problem is upstream of your computer (connections actively blocked by the Network Administrator or ISP), then that's a big headache. Finding the person who knows AND will give you straight answer is not easy. The help desk at my ISP didn't even know the webmasters were filtering p2p uploads. It took months to finally discover what was going on--thanks mostly to the help from others here. There are ways to work with and around upstream blocks once you know they are in place, but it isn't easy or optimal to use proxies or switch ISP's
Yeah--that's not much help. Sigh.
If you are serious about connecting, message me and we can try to get mutually connected and see what happens.