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Old March 9th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Default Issues/requests with 3.9.1b


I notice that when I'm an Ultrapeer for several hours, my outbound connections all fall away and searches no longer return any results. I don't know if this means my leaf nodes have the same problem.

The "sort by" triangles in the connections monitor are reversed, such that with the triangle pointing up, "dropped(i/o)", "time" and other fields are displayed highest values on top instead of the intuitive lower/smaller on top. This also crops up in some other places I don't recall right now.

In the search results, the math for determining the size suffix (KB,MB,GB) seems to be off by a factor of ten, at least for the KB to MB transition, I regularly see thinks like "96,400KB". The changeover seems to happen at about 102,000KB.

In "Library" view, if I change the name of a file within the LW interface the interface hangs for a long time. I think the program is re-calculating a hash or something. In any case there should be a progress bar or this should become a background thread like the normal hash generation.


I still really hate the re-size of columns in all the views. I'd really prefer if only the dragged column and its neighbor were resized instead of scaling all the columns to the right. This is the only app I've used that does this "all column" scaling and I have to re-size all the columns three to five times every time I change any of them.

A detail view of hosts in the "downloads" view would be excellent so we could see the connection status and speed of each host, pending/in queue, waiting, etc. At least a display of how many hosts are being tracked for the DL. Acquisition does this very nicely.

A preference for how often to update the display. From my-rough tracking the display east up about 20% of my CPU cycles, I'd rather have infrequent updates with the window open than have to close the window.

Pervasive intra-session search results. Search results become cumulative, so when I choose "repeat search", the old results don't go away. This would minimize repeating search requests in the long term since the known hosts could just be re-polled. This could be automated such that searches could repeat every few hours to check for new hosts while maintaining the existing cache.

Support for multiple windows. Maybe this all-in-one thing is preferred on MS Windows, but I prefer more small windows: search entry, search results, downloads, uploads, connections, library. All of these little re-size dohickies are just clutter and confusing to me. Just make it a preference option, a check box: "use multiple windows"

Mac G4/475, Panther, 768MB (yes, it's a beige).