Hi, Rita...
Sorry for the delay here... Hope you already have a moderately correct answer !!!
If not... Yes... You can have as many folders for sharing that you wish...
Same is true for the files you download... BUT, You will only sensibly have the one primary 'Downloads Directory' to
receive the files immediately after they have been successfully and completely downloaded... I know, it all sounds more than a bit circular at first, but, it isn't... errr, really it isn't !
After a file has been completely Downloaded and it is sitting in your 'My Downloads' folder (although, it can be called whatever you like, the name I just used is the default folder name), you simply move 'her' stuff to 'her' folder and you move your files to whatever folder you choose...
Strictly, you don't have to move the files, but it will drive you completely nuts in a very short time if you do not keep your files in fairly disciplined order... ESPECIALLY the 'Downloads Folder' as it will fill remarkably quickly and you'll soon have problems keeping everything straight... Also, please think about the simple fact that you really do not want to allow your Downloads Folder to be shared because you would then be sharing things that you have not yet been able to test !
For the Sharing side of files, you simply create as many folders as you wish... such as, "eBook Shared Files", or "Music Shared Files" or... you get it, right...
Your shared files CAN be on a different hard disk drive from your Downloads and Temp folders... (The latter two folders MUST be on the SAME drive.)
For details on how to select which folders you wish to share and/or not share, see the Help files which you can reach by clicking on Help in the BS program.... The BS Help files are excellent and once you learn how to navigate around them, ALL will be revealed ! (Scary, huh ?)
Hope it helps to at least get you started... Obviously, come back if you need any more help...