What's wrong with LimeWire 1.3/1.4 ? When I had my first encounter with LimeWire 1.2 about a month ago, i was amazed how many results it reported, how many hosts it discovered and how many terabytes of data i was able to search in (up to 1500 TB). But since upgrading to 1.3, those happy days seem to have vanished in haze. The greatest horizon i ever got was 55 TB, but a normal size is about 30 TB. Note that I get this network size using LimeWire Discovered Hosts feature. When I enable "Prefer AutoConnect", i won't get over 9 TBs. The absolute minimum was about 950 Megs today. I was almost sharing more data nmyself than i was able to discover throug the net. The situation remained the same after upgrading to 1.4 and 1.4b (by the way, what is actually the difference between those versions except the disappearing of the NativeLauncher dll in the PureJava version ?) I am a kind of java fanatic and use the PureJava Version, but i also tried the windows version and the results were the same. If anybody out there has a reasonable explanation for this dramatical loss of performance please post it. I am no longer able to find anything in the gNet. |